Upper Elementary 5th-6th

From its inception, ACA’s middle school has been designed to be innovative and engaging. While traditional subjects such as math, English, social studies and science are still taught, they are presented in meaningful ways that demonstrate how they are interrelated. An exciting and distinguishing feature of ACA Middle School is our use of Project-Based Learning (PBL). Project-Based Learning is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.  This allows students to develop a deeper understanding of subjects/projects and encourages critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. ACA takes PBL a step further in that students are encouraged to recognize how their projects can be taken into the broader community to impact the lives of others. They also are encouraged to see their place in God’s continuing story. 

ACA recognizes the importance of activities in the lives of middle school students. We offer “specials” classes which include Spanish, P.E., music, and speech/debate.  ACA also offers extracurricular activities that include basketball, cross country, cheerleading, archery, academic team and 4-H. 

Because the middle school age is a time when students are beginning to understand themselves as individuals and see who God created them to be, the development of their faith is especially important. Bible class focuses on understanding the answer to the question, “What is a biblical worldview?”.  Students are introduced to the concept of worldview and will discover there are many different perspectives.  They will survey the worldview the Bible gives Christians and cover the book of Acts to see implications of a Biblical Worldview. The long-term goal is for students’ faith to be based on a solid foundation that will last not just while they are in a Christian school environment, but rather that will carry them through their high school, college and adult years. 

ACA desires to come alongside parents to help them navigate the preteen years. We offer resources that inform parents about teen culture and encourage them to stay connected to their middle schooler. We want to develop a community for parents in which they feel supported as they seek to raise strong, Christian young people. 

Hybrid Program 7th-8th

ACA is now offering a blended program of virtual learning, homeschool, and in-person project-based learning. The goal is to nurture spiritual maturity, develop godly character, and hone academic excellence all through curriculum, projects, and a Biblical worldview. 

ACA is teaming up with Liberty University to provide core classes. Students are required to physically attend ACA two days a week and will require personal responsibility to complete work on their own time the other three school days. 

Please contact us if you have interest in the ACA 7th/8th hybrid program!